Helicopter Maintenance Magazine congratulates all Helicopter Maintenance professionals on AMT Day, May 24th

Helicopter Maintenance Magazine would like to congratulate all Helicopter Maintenance Professionals for keeping aircraft and the flying public safe, and for contributing to a safe and effective mode of transportation.

Charles Taylor


Charles E. Taylor, Father of Aircraft Maintenance

AMT Day is celebrated each year on May 24th and many this year have already had gatherings commemorating this event. May 24 was chosen to celebrate AMT day because it is the birthday of Charles E. Taylor who is recognized as the first aircraft mechanic. Taylor worked for the Wright brothers in their bicycle shop. When engine manufacturers turned down the Wright brothers'’ requests to build an engine for their glider (saying they couldn’t meet the specifications), Taylor said he could do it. He designed and built the engine that powered the Wright Flyer to achieve the world’s first powered flight, propelling the Wright brothers into history.


U.S. National AMT Day Resolution H. Res. 444 was passed on April 30th 2008.   More information on AMT Day and the US House Resolution can be found at http://www.amtausa.com.

Here is a link to an article D.O.M. magazine columnist Gia did on Taylor: