Helicopter Maintenance News

Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 09:56
Ongoing headlines reporting tragic airline safety issues, dangerous aircraft manufacturing practices, and aviation whistleblower retaliation require that Congress reevaluate the anti-retaliation framework protecting aviation whistleblowers. Supporters are urged to join the National Whistleblower Center's campaign.

Helicopter Maintenance Blogs

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - 12:16

For those of you that work on or support helicopters or have ever been to the Helicopter Association International’s (HAI) main event — Heli-Expo, you know that it is undoubtedly the largest helicopter tradeshow in the world. This year’s Heli-Expo 2024 was no exception.

Digital Edition

Feb/Mar 2025 Helicopter Maintenance

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Litigation extortion. That is how I like to characterize the crazy litigious society we live in here in the United States. Some people are all too eager to sue the pants off of companies, raising the price of just about every product we buy as consumers. Those of us in aviation definitely feel the effects of litigation. Talk to just about any aircraft manufacturer or aviation product supplier. Chances are high they have faced lawsuits. It is one thing to file a legitimate lawsuit because of negligence. It is another thing to take advantage of the system to “stick it to the man.”
