2013 – A Look Ahead

Calendar year 2012 could well be described as the year of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” The “Good” was that the U.S. economy and the helicopter industry as a whole started to move in a positive direction once more. The “Bad” was the bombardment of television political advertisements we had to endure. The “Ugly” was the horrific damage and loss of life caused by Hurricane Sandy.
On the lighter side, for those of us that were wondering about the Mayan Calendar’s prediction about the supposed end of the world on December 21, 2012, if you are reading this editorial, it obviously did not come to pass. However, I did some research into what the Mayan Calendar was really about and found that it had nothing to do with the end of the world. The Mayans were predicting the date Brett Favre was really going to retire from professional football…for real!
Around this time of year, most aviation magazine editors, if they have not already done so, usually write an editorial taking a look back at the previous year in review. Here at HeliMxI thought we have spent enough time living through and reading about the year 2012, and I wanted to look ahead to the future, to what 2013 might hold in store for us.
HeliMxhas been in publication for more than two years now and I am happy to say that you, our readers, have told us that you like what we have been doing for you so far and to keep up the good work. For the most part, our articles have been based on helicopter maintenance operations and associated industry here in the U.S. This year, 2013, we are expanding our editorial coverage and reader base to include helicopter maintenance operators and industry in Canada. HeliMxis going international!
The U.S. and Canada enjoy one of the longest undefended borders in the world, and over time, have grown to be good friends in both the international and aviation communities. Many American companies have operations in Canada and likewise, Canadian companies have operations here in the U.S. As the varied uses of helicopters know no boundaries, it is easy to see that many similarities can be found in U.S. and Canadian operations. There are a few differences along the way to be sure, but that should make for interesting reading. Now HeliMxreaders on both sides of the border will have the opportunity to learn about similar companies, jobs and regulations and learn how “the other helicopter maintenance professional does it.”
Back in October of 2012, I had the pleasure of traveling to British Columbia in Western Canada, and had the opportunity to talk with and tour several well known and respected companies that provide helicopter maintenance services and training. Some names you may know and others you will come to know; Vector Aerospace Corp., Airborne Engines Ltd., Alpine Aerotech Ltd., HNZ Topflight (formerly Canadian Helicopters Group), and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Aerospace Programs. All were very enthusiastic about HeliMxmagazine and eagerly accepted the opportunity to work with us as contributing authors. I hope to travel to Eastern Canada early this year and talk with similar companies in that part of Canada.
Traditionally the feature article in the October/November issue of HeliMxis on Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS.) The Airborne Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) will be having its get together in Virginia Beach, VA in October. The Helicopter Association of Canada (HAC) is having its annual show in Vancouver B.C. in November. To celebrate both events, the 2013 October/November issue of HeliMxmagazine is going to publish a joint American/Canadian HEMS issue. We plan on featuring articles about U.S. and Canadian HEMS operators and will have other supporting U.S. and Canadian contributors. It promises to be a great read.
The HeliMxfeature articles for the remainder of 2013 are: April/May issue – Engine Compressor Washes, June/July Issue – Airborne Law Enforcement, August/September issue – Maintenance Training, October/November issue – U.S./Canadian HEMS, December/January issue – Helicopter Painting and Care.
In closing, here at HeliMx magazine, we are looking ahead to an exciting new year with great new articles, companies and contributing authors. We trust that you will continue to enjoy these articles and find them to be lively, relevant and of import to what you do as the industries finest helicopter maintenance professionals. We hope that you our readers, contributing authors and advertisers have a healthy, happy and prosperous new year.