AviIT Announces the eMan Solution for the Apple iPad
AviIT, Inc. the makers of The eMan Solution, the industry's first-ever technical publication management and delivery solution announce the immediate release and availability of "The eMan Solution" for the iPad.
Sam Sprute, Director of Maintenance for Metro Aviation states,
"Now, in addition to all the other labor-saving and safety-enhancing benefits we've already realized since implementing The eMan Solution, including lower IT support overhead, elimination of paper revision distribution, and improved version control, adding the iPad's unique characteristics of lighter-weight, portability, ease-of-use, enhanced graphic and image functionality, and internet connectivity will serve to make The eMan Solution an even more flexible business-process improvement. Paperless technical publications are the future. The future is here today, with The eMan Solution."
The eMan Solution provides all users with 24/7/365 password-protected access to all hosted content. Whether hosted internally at our customers' location or hosted and managed by AviIT with our web-based, eManWeb solution, management and end-user's alike are guaranteed the version of content they access, will be the only version available to users. The eMan Solution eliminates the need for costly duplicate OEM subscriptions, labor-intensive paper distribution, and drastic reductions in IT support are also commonly reported as substantial cost-reducing benefits of The eMan Solution.
Other eMan customers indicate they expect even greater benefits by having the iPad platform as another option for their end-users, whether local, remote, or even 3rd. party providers of services. The iPad is lower weight and easier to carry than most laptops, has improved graphic display functionality, which means users have less reliance on printed pages, all of which contribute to a more effective and better organized maintenance organization. eMan is a proven cost-reducing, step-improvement.
For more information about The eMan Solution, including its new Read & Sign module and how to qualify for a free 30-day no obligation trial*, call 1-(866) 92-AviIT (922-8448) x 701 or visit www.aviit-eman.com.
* Certain restrictions apply. Contact AviIT for details. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.