Cobham Announces N301A Audio Controller Upgrade

Cobham Aerospace Communications has added removable legend panels to the N301A, one of its most popular audio components. Installers may now change control names on the N301A without removing it from the cockpit panel or returning to an authorized dealership.
Keeping the N301A within the aircraft minimizes downtime and saves money. Cobham’s removable legends are available in kits with multiple text options, including international languages, and legends are customizable to suit any operator specification.
Cobham’s N301A may be used in new installations where single- or multiple-user networks (up to 10 stations) are required. User-controlled features include enhanced noise reduction capability, split RX and ICS volume controls, VOX squelch control, an additional RX input for the AUX TX position, and an extra Nav Aid position. The N301A is available in standard configurations, customized panel layouts and with backlighting colors.