Electric Belt Drive Scissor Lift Table

EnKon Systems, Herkules Equipment Corporation’s brand name of lift systems, has designed an “off-the-shelf” electric belt drive scissor lift table (model #LSBD04) that provides a high duty cycle, static positioning and repeatability. This patented and versatile scissor lift utilizes the latest technology for advancing the efficiencies in manufacturing and automation applications, with an “off-the-shelf” delivery and cost.
Designed with a high safety factor, the LSBD04 is powered with a mechatronics drive system using a single belt, multi-pulley design, powered by a standard 480 volts 3 phase. This lift design holds a static position to +/- .06-inch indefinitely, can fulfill 120,000-plus duty cycles in a year, has a capacity of up to 2,000 lbs, and is 40 inches wide by 59 inches long. It requires little maintenance.
The LSBD04 is ideal for clean room applications since there is no need for hydraulic fluid. As with any scissor lift table, EnKon’s engineering team can customize the lift for a specific application to answer a customer’s need.
For more information, call (800) 444-4351 or visit www.enkon.pro.