ExxonMobil Aviation Lubricants Introduces Mobil AGL

ExxonMobil Aviation Lubricants announces the addition of Mobil AGL Synthetic Aviation Gear Lubricant (Mobil AGL) to its product line. Mobil AGL offers wear protection for transmissions operating at high temperatures, as well as wear resistance.
Arizona-based MD Helicopters tested Mobil AGL extensively. The company started investigating lubrication improvements for its fleet’s transmissions when some operators experienced difficulty reaching a 3,000-hour main transmission overhaul period.
“Field evaluation tests on our single-engine product line allowed increasing the overhaul period of main rotor transmissions from 3,000 to 4,000 hours, if the transmission operated exclusively with Mobil AGL,” says Scott Hendrickson, MD Helicopters engineer. MD Helicopters requires the use of Mobil AGL in all current production transmissions and recommends its use in older designs.