Filling the Void

Welcome to the premier issue of HeliMx magazine. Finally, a magazine dedicated to the needs of helicopter maintenance professionals!
HeliMx magazine and the HeliMx.com website were launched to fill the void of helicopter maintenance-related information. Greg Napert, publisher of D.O.M. magazine and now HeliMx magazine, says, “There are publications available that cover operational and news aspects of helicopters, and some that touch on maintenance issues and concerns, but NONE that focus exclusively on helicopter maintenance.”
Our goal is to provide insight and articles on all aspects of helicopter maintenance, including repair, overhaul, inspection and preventive maintenance of turbine and recip engines, airframes, rotor components, avionics, electrical systems and specialty equipment. With thousands of technicians, lead mechanics, maintenance managers and parts room personnel worldwide, it’s about time a magazine was dedicated to you, the helicopter maintenance professional.
HeliMx readers work in diverse rotorcraft operations including, but not limited to, emergency medical services (EMS), search and rescue, airborne law enforcement, surveillance, off-shore oil support, logging and corporate operations. They can be found at OEMs, repair stations, FBOs, overhaul facilities, completion centers, corporate operators and government agencies.
The HeliMx team has more than 80 years of experience in the aviation industry. Joe Escobar is the editorial director. Joe is an FAA A&P with inspection authorization. He has more than nine years experience directing editorial for print and electronic magazines and 22 years of experience in the aviation maintenance industry.
Greg Napert is our publisher. Greg has been in aviation maintenance publishing for more than 20 years. Greg is an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate and an FAA A&P certified mechanic. He participates in numerous aviation maintenance groups and is a passionate advocate for the aviation maintenance industry.
Last but not least is me, R. Fred Polak, your HeliMx magazine editor. I have been in the aviation industry for more than 40 years. At Sikorsky Aircraft, I taught the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) for all models of the S-61 helicopter. This included the VH-3D model for the Presidential Flight Detachment, HMX-1. Four years later I joined Sperry Flight Systems (later Honeywell Aerospace) in Phoenix, AZ. During the past 27 years, I have conducted hundreds of pilot and maintenance training classes worldwide for business, regional and helicopter aircraft operators. While at Honeywell, I wrote the book “Avionics Past & Present.”
HeliMx magazine will be published six times a year (once every other month), providing you with lively, interesting, relevant articles on a wide range of helicopter maintenance topics. We actively seek your input on matters that are of interest to you as helicopter maintenance professionals. We also welcome contributed articles. Are you good at what you do? Would you like to share your expertise with others? If so, let me know if you would you like to write an article for HeliMx.
In closing, we look forward to being your helicopter maintenance resource. Your feedback and comments are always appreciated.
R. Fred Polak | Editor