Max-Viz Enhanced Vision Systems Approved by EASA for Eurocopters

Max-Viz Inc. has received STC approval from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for installation and operation of the Max-Viz EVS-1500 real-time infrared enhanced vision system on a number of Eurocopter twin-engine helicopter models.
Eurocopter EC135 T1, T2, T2+, P1 and P2 are included in the EASA STC. The Max-Viz enhanced vision system is already operational on an emergency medical services-configured EC135 owned by Hélicoptères De France, which serves customers at the Hospitals Alençon, west of Paris in Normandy.
Rega (Swiss Air Rescue) operates 11 Agusta 109s fitted with the EVS. Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe (LPR), the Polish government agency responsible for medevac transports, has equipped its 23 EC135 helicopters with the Max-Viz EVS-1500.
In addition, Max-Viz real-time enhanced vision systems are approved by EASA for Bell helicopter models 206, 407, 212 and 412. Max-Viz EASA certifications include Agusta helicopters and fixed-wing airframes including the Diamond DA50s and King Airs. Also under development is an EASA STC for the Dauphin helicopter.
EC135 EASA STC installation kit for the Max-Viz EVS-1500 is now available through Max-Viz from TeamAtkins International and Rotor & Aircraft on EC135s operating under EASA jurisdiction.
For more information, visit www.max-viz.com.