Triumph Instruments-Ft. Lauderdale adds Product Support for Spectrolab Starburst and Nightsun Searchlight Product Lines

Fort Lauderdale, FL - Spectrolab, a Boeing Company, has selected Triumph Instruments-Ft. Lauderdale, a subsidiary of Triumph Group Inc., as its authorized service center for the Starburst, Nightsun and Nightsun XP searchlight product lines. The agreement was signed at the Heli-Expo convention recently held in Dallas.
“Our facility has been servicing intricate instruments and motor driven accessories for decades, making us a perfect match to repair the Spectrolab family of searchlights,” says David Vorsas, president of Triumph Instruments-Ft. Lauderdale. “We are thrilled Spectrolab has chosen our organization to support these products and look forward to a relationship that benefits our shared customer base.”
For more information, visit www.triumphgroup.com.