Our Name has Changed!
We have a new name — Helicopter Maintenance.
We feel it is time to introduce a new name for the magazine that clearly identifies who we are.
When we launched our magazine almost three years ago, we thought of the name HeliMx to represent the two words — Helicopter and Maintenance. Although the name caught on, there was still a bit of confusion on what the name meant –— especially for non-helicopter maintenance types. People would sometimes pick up a copy for the first time and ask, “What’s heli-mix?” Or they would ask us, “Is this a magazine for Mexican helicopter operators?”
Well, we feel it is time to change the name to reflect what our intent was to begin with — the fact that the magazine is all about helicopter maintenance.
In conjunction to our name change, our website address is changing to www.HelicopterMaintenanceMagazine.com. Don’t fret — if you like using www.HeliMx.com it will still take you to our website.
In addition to our name change and address change, here is a list of everything else we are changing with the magazine:
• Nothing
That’s right — we may have changed the name, but our editorial focus remains the same. We are still the ONLY magazine dedicated to helicopter maintenance. Fred Polak is still our editor, and continues to work with our editorial advisory board to publish articles that are relevant to helicopter mechanics.
Welcome to our new look -- Helicopter Maintenance.
Joe Escobar
Editorial Director
Helicopter Maintenance magazine