BOOST Systems, Along with AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH, Announces EASA Approval of Complex Personnel Carrying Device System

BOOST Systems, Along with AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH, Announces EASA Approval of Complex Personnel Carrying Device System

BOOST Systems, Along with AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH, Announces EASA Approval of Complex Personnel Carrying Device System

Boost Systems, a global provider in fully certified human external cargo systems and related training services, announces a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) supplemental type certificate (STC) for the complex personnel carrying device system (cPCDS) to be used with the previously EASA-certified (EASA STC 10081304) BOOST HEC System for the Airbus H125/AS350/AS355. BOOST collaborated with AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH (A&H) for the development and certification of EASA STC 10085893.

“The BOOST HEC System for the Airbus H125/AS350/AS355 was EASA-certified in 2023," says Derek Thomas, president at BOOST Systems, "and we received overwhelming support from European operators. Now, in partnership with A&H, we offer the complete solution, including the EASA-certified complex personal carrying device system (cPCDS). Working closely with A&H allowed us to offer a cPCDS specifically for our Airbus H125/AS350 HEC System here in Europe.”

The BOOST AS350/H125 HEC system has a carrying capacity of 1100 pounds/500 kilograms, which allows for multi-person rescue. The provisions kit installs quickly and easily. Once installed, the mission kit (dual hook and load beam) is installed and removed within minutes.

A&H was able to leverage its years of experience providing EASA complex PCDS systems for the H-135 and Bell 429 to make the certification process as streamlined as possible. The EASA-certified cPCDS can be purchased directly from AirWork & Heliseilerei GmbH.

For more information about Boost Systems, visit, email or call +1 888 851 4014.

For more information about A&H, visit, email or call +41 41 420 49 64.