CAMTS Releases Draft for Comments on 13th Edition Accreditation Standards for Medical Transport

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) announces the release of a draft of the 13th edition of national accreditation Standards for Medical Transport programs for publication in 2025. The first edition of the Standards was published in 1990 and have evolved with input from those who work in the medical transport industry.
According to Eileen Frazer, executive director of CAMTS, “We don’t consider these as 'our' standards but as standards that are developed by those that do the job every day. We greatly value and appreciate the comments and suggestions we receive from these dedicated care providers, administrators and patients.”
Programs providing medical transport — from basic life-support up to, and including, critical care — can voluntarily apply for accreditation if they believe they are in substantial compliance with the Standards. Accreditation is valid for three years.
As an accredited standards setting organization through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), CAMTS follows the ANSI essential elements for establishing new and expanding standards. This includes solicitation and consideration of comments as well as suggestions for standards development. The draft of the 13th edition of the CAMTS Medical Transport Accreditation Standards is now posted on the CAMTS website (camts.org) and is open for public comments. An online comment/suggestion form allows for new comments and assures all recommendations are logged and addressed.
The Standards chapters include:
- Management and Staffing
- Quality
- Utilization and Safety Management
- Patient Care
- Communication
- Rotor Wing
- Fixed Wing
- Surface.
Updated drafts of the standards, as well as feedback from comments received, will be posted on the CAMTS website periodically until the final version is approved by the CAMTS Standards Committee and the CAMTS Board. The final standards are expected to be released in fall of 2025 and will become effective Jan. 1, 2026.
The application process and requirements can be found at camts.org. CAMTS will also be available for comments and suggestions at the Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) in Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 4-6, 2024.