Helicopter Maintenance News

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 14:16
S.A.F.E. Structure Designs, a provider in the design and manufacturing of creative and customizable solutions for the Department of Defense, is awarded a $3.5 million contract to supply a custom, full wrap-around maintenance platform for the UH-60 Black Hawk Sikorsky helicopter for the U.S. Army National Guard. The contract will cover 10 different locations across the United States and was procured through the Yulista Integrated Solutions Prime Vendor contract.

Helicopter Maintenance Blogs

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - 12:16

For those of you that work on or support helicopters or have ever been to the Helicopter Association International’s (HAI) main event — Heli-Expo, you know that it is undoubtedly the largest helicopter tradeshow in the world. This year’s Heli-Expo 2024 was no exception.

Digital Edition

Feb/Mar 2025 Helicopter Maintenance

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Teamwork – An Interesting Concept

The Super Bowl has come and gone, as it has done for XLV years. There was a winning team and a losing team. The talking heads on TV, radio and internet have 20/20 hindsight and have been making comments on the performance of the teams, individual players and why the coaches did what they did. On occasion they mention teamwork. Teamwork, what an interesting concept!
